Sunday, August 31, 2008
Importing Payments and Paid Invoices into Oracle - Oracle needs to provide an API
There are a few workarounds to this scenario. A direct update of Oracle base table is one but this comes with the risk of losing support from Oracle.
The other, more robust way would be to use the manual payment feature of Oracle to record such payments that have been already done in the earlier system. However, automating this process using a batch program is a challenge.
Do put in your comments in case you have a soultion to this problem which would help a lot of people out there.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Oracle E-Business Tax: Regime to Rate Flow in Oracle R12
In Oracle Release12, there has been some very significant changes, one among them being how we define tax. E-Business Tax is now a single point where we define our taxes for all the sub-ledger modules. In this article I will try to do a sample Tax setup using the Regime to Rate Flow of Oracle E-Business Tax in the Tax Manager responsibility.
Creating a Tax Regime
In Oracle E-Business Tax, a Tax Regime is the system of regulations for the determination and administration of one or more taxes.
- Navigate to the Create Tax Regime:
• Navigation: Tax Configuration àTax Regimes
• Click the Button “Create”
- Enter a new tax regime based on the following information:
· Tax Regime Code: TESTREGIME1
· Name: Test Regime1
· Regime Level: Country
· Country Name: United States
· Parent Regime Code: Blank
· Effective From: 01-JAN-1950
· Effective To: Leave Blank
· Used to group Regimes: Unchecked
- Expand the Controls and Defaults region
· Allow Tax Recovery: Checked
· Allow Override and Entry of Inclusive Tax Lines: Unchecked
· Allow Tax Exemptions: Checked
· Allow Tax Exceptions: Checked
· Tax Currency: USD
· Minimum Accountable Unit: 0.01
· Rounding Rule: Nearest
· Tax Precision: 2 (default)
- Click on Button “Continue”
- Enter tax regime configuration options:
- Party Name: Vision Operations (Note: Select the Operating Unit owning Tax Content party type)
- Configuration for Taxes and Rules: Common Configuration with Party Overrides
- Configuration for Product Exceptions: Party-Specific Configuration
- Effective From: 01-JAN-1950
- Effective To: Leave blank
- Click on Button “Finish”
- You will get the message “The tax regime was successfully created”
Creating a Tax
- Navigate: Tax Configuration à Tax Regimes
- Search for the Tax Regime you created above using the filter criteria of Country as “United States” and Tax Regime Code as “TESTREGIME1”
- Click on button “Go”
- Click on icon “Regime to Rate Flow”
- Click on button “Create Tax”
- 2Create a new Tax as per information mentioned below:
- Tax Regime Code: TESTREGIME1 (defaults)
- Configuration Owner: Global Configuration Owner
- Tax Source: Create a new tax (defaults)
- Tax Name: Test Tax1
- Tax Type: SALES
- Effective From: 01-JAN-1950 (defaults)
- Effective To: Leave blank
- Geography Type: STATE
- Parent Geography Type: COUNTRY
- Parent Geography Name: United States
- Tax Currency: USD (defaults)
- Minimum Accountable Unit: 0.01 (defaults)
- Rounding Rule: Nearest (defaults)
- Tax Precision: 2 (defaults)
- Exchange Rate Type: Blank
- Click on “Show Controls and Defaults”
- Enter the details as per information mentioned below
- Allow Override and Entry of Inclusive Tax Lines: Unchecked
- Allow Tax Rounding Override: Unchecked
- Allow Override for Calculated Tax Lines: Checked
- Allow Entry of Manual Tax Lines: Checked
- Use Legal Registration Number: Unchecked
- Allow Duplicate Tax Registration Numbers: Unchecked
- Allow Multiple Jurisdictions: Unchecked
- Tax Accounts Creation Method: Create Tax Accounts (defaults)
- Allow Tax Exceptions: Checked (defaults)
- Allow Tax Exemptions: Checked (defaults)
- Tax Exemptions Creation Method: Create Tax Exemptions (defaults)
- Allow Tax Recovery: Unchecked
- Click on Button “Apply”
- You will get the message “The Tax has been successfully created”
- Return to Tax Regimes. Click on “Expand All”
- Click on icon “Create Tax Status”
- Enter the following:
- Tax Status Code: TESTSTATUS1
- Name: Test Tax Status1
- Click on Button “Apply”
- Check as Default Tax Status: Checked
- Default Status Effective From: 01-Jan-1950
- Click on button “Apply”
- You will get the message “The tax status was successfully created.”
Create Tax Rates
- Go back to the Regime to Rate Flow
- Click on “Expand All”.
- Click on icon “Create Tax Rate”. Enter the Tax Rates based on information mentioned below:
- Tax Regime Code: TESTREGIME1 (defaults)
- Configuration Owner: Global Configuration Owner (defaults)
- Tax: TESTTAX1 (defaults)
- Tax Status Code: TESTSTATUS1 (defaults)
- Tax Jurisdiction Code: Blank
- Tax Rate Code: TESTRATE1
- Rate Type: Percentage (defaults)
- Percentage Rate: 10
- Effective From: 01-JAN-1950 (defaults)
- Effective From: Leave blank
- Click on icon “Rate Details”. Enter the Tax Rate Details based on information mentioned below:
· Tax Rate Name: Test Sales Tax Rate1
· Tax Rate Description: Test Sales Tax Rate1
· Set as Default Rate: Checked
· Default Effective From: 01-JAN-1950
· Default Effective To: Leave blank
· Allow Tax Exemptions: Checked (defaults)
· Allow Tax Exceptions: Checked (defaults)
· Internet Expenses Enabled : Checked
- Click on the button “Apply” to return to the Create Tax Rate page.
- Click on the button “Apply” to return to the Regime to Rate Flow page
- You will get the message “The Tax Rate has been successfully created.”
Creating Tax Jurisdiction
- Navigate: tax Configuration à Tax Jurisdiction
- Click on button “Create”. Enter the Tax Jurisdiction details based on information mentioned below:
- Tax Jurisdiction Code: TESTJUR1
- Tax Jurisdiction Name: Test Tax Jurisdiction1
- Tax Regime Code: TESTREGIME1
- Geography Type: STATE (pick from list!)
- Effective From: 01-JAN-1950
- Effective To: Leave Blank
- Geography Name: CA
- Precedence Level: 300 (defaults)
- Collecting Tax Authority: Blank
- Reporting Tax Authority: Blank
- Set as default Tax Jurisdiction: Yes (defaults)
- Default Effective From: 01-JAN-1950
- Default Effective To: Leave blank
- Click on the button “Apply” to return to the Regime to Rate Flow page
- You will get the message “The tax jurisdiction was successfully created.”
Creating Tax Accounts
- Navigate: Tax Configuration à Taxes
- Search for the Taxes that we created just now using the following filter criteria:
- Country Name: United States
- Tax Regime Code: TESTREGIME1
- Click on the button “Go”. Then click on icon “Update”.
- Click on button “Tax Accounts”.
- Enter the Ledger as “Vision Operations (USA)”
- Click on button “Create”
- Enter the Tax Account details based on following information:
· Operating Unit : Vision Operations
· Tax Expense: 01-210-7710-0000-000
· Tax Recoverable/Liability: 01-000-2220-0000-000
- Click on button “Apply” and return back to Tax Accounts page.
- Click the button “Apply”, to return to the Update Tax page.
- Click the button “Apply”, to return to the Taxes page.
- You will get the message “The tax was successfully updated”.
Creating Tax Rules
- Navigate: Tax Configuration à Tax Rules
- Access the rule type by filtering on the following criteria:
- Configuration Owner: Global Configuration Owner
- Tax Regime Code: TESTREGIME1
- Click on button “Go”. Then click on “Expand All”.
- Set the following values corresponding to the Rule Types:
- Determine Place of Supply: Ship To
- Determine Tax Applicability: Applicable
- Determine Tax Registration: Bill From Party
- Determine Taxable Basis: STANDARD_TB
- Calculate Tax Amounts: STANDARD_TC
Making Tax Available for Transactions
- Navigate: Tax Configuration àTaxes
- Select the Tax created based on the following filter criteria:
- Country Name: United States
- Tax Regime Code: TESTREGIME1
- Click on button “Go”. Then click on icon “Update” on the “TESTTAX1” row.
- Check the box “Make Tax Available for Transactions”
- Click on button “Apply”.
- You will get the message “This tax does not have an exchange rate type. Are you sure you want to enable this tax?” having options “Yes” and “No”. Click on “Yes”
- You will get the message “The tax was successfully updated.”
Test your Tax Setup by creating an Invoice in Payables /Receivables or creating a Purchase Order.
About Me

- Krishanu Bose
- India
- Krishanu's Oracle Applications Blog - Oracle Apps consulting services scenario in India. Also, an inside view of Oracle Apps outsource services in India. Also the blog features new developments in Oracle Apps and my learning's in this field. The views expressed are my own only and not of my employer Wipro Technologies. The views and opinions expressed by visitors to this blog are theirs and do not necessarily reflect mine.
- Generic (6)
- Non PO invoices (1)
- Oracle Apps (8)
- Oracle E-Business Tax (1)
- Oracle Fusion (6)
- Oracle General Ledger (1)
- Oracle iExpense (1)
- Oracle Payables (14)
- Oracle Projects (2)
- Oracle Purchasing (1)
- Oracle Receivables (4)
- Subledger Accounting (1)
- Withholding Tax (1)